Search Results for "crab"

We Taste-Test Plant-Based “Crab Cakes”

My wife, Mary Jane, is allergic to crustaceans–they give her gout flareups. But we wondered about the plant-based seafood products. We decided to buy real crabby cakes (above, at left) and taste-test them against Crab Cakes by Sophie’s Kitchen. They are made with Konjac root, pronounced ‘kon-jack’, an ancient Asian […]

Crab Gumbo

Crab Gumbo

This crab gumbo recipe comes to us from Gladys Graham’s self-published cookbook, Tropical Cooking. She wrote it in the Panama Canal Zone, then a U.S. possession, in 1947.

shrimp and crab curry recipe

Shrimp and Crab Curry

This recipe and others can be found in the 12-part illustrated series “A World of Curries”. You can read all about this unique Indian flavor here.